Thursday, July 23, 2009

Will Not Be Televised

The revolution will not be televised,
For to be televised is to engage in the mainstream apathy,
Then gift wrapped in glittery gowns of commercialization,
Then handed as a promotional bribery for the corporations.
Thus, stripping it from its originators,

Muting their voices,
As if the absence of verses stagnates the melodic synchronization of notes.
But a determined people is disturbed by the determination of their extermination,
Encountered in their exploitation,
Carefully gagging their internal patience,
To see the day in which the reign of liberation covers the land,
And their voices echo,
“No more subordinate relations”

The revolution is the pen for those who seek to rewrite the script of history
His Story
The script of injustice
The script of oppression
The script of classism
The script that reads before us, “all man are created equal”
Yet we are told to follow the footsteps of our forefathers
Servants, cooks, field hands, and less than’s...
But we think otherwise.

The revolution is the pen that transforms the invisible extra to the protagonist
The thorn of justice in the bosom of inequality
The myriad of colors kissing the silver screen
A nightmare for the muted conscious
A dream for the resurrected soul
“Rise Up!!!”

Rise up ye that has decomposed in the acid of societal adaptation,
Rise up ye that contents with the scraps from the table of impossibility,
Rise up ye that has been stripped from all his innovations and imaginations,
Rise up and proudly embrace the prophetic proclamations,
That is birthed in the soul of the maladjusted.
Rise Up - for we are entering a new land,
Flowing with milk and honey,
Flowing with peace and prosperity,
Justice, truth, and Freedom.

The Revolution will not be televised,
For the revolution will be lead by the wise,
It will not be televised.
It will not be televised.
It will not be televised.
No, but it will take place before your eyes